Phnom Penh and the bus to Vietnam

The capital of Cambodia was a stop as important for me as Angkor Wat. I wanted to know more about the Khmer rouge and their terrible regime. I went to the prison S21, now a museum retelling the story of the thousands of people tortured and executed there. It was frightening to learn of the madness that spread among the members of the Khmer rouge. I really recommend this visit.

After a few days in Phnom Penh, I got ready to cross the border to Vietnam. I first went to the Vietnamese embassy and filled the form for the visa. I payed to get my visa done the next day (it's a bit cheaper if you choose the 2 days option). Once I got my visa, I booked a bus with Mekong Express to Ho-Chi-Minh City. Crossing the border was done on foot and the bus would pick us up again at the other side.


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