
My itinerary. Starting from Bali, I stopped using airplanes. After nine month of travel I am finally home in Switzerland. I left February 9th 2018 and came back November 2nd 2018 . I found my apartment like I left it. A thin layer of dust had settled down on the floor. A few shops had changed in my city of Bienne, but like every winter the mist was already here. I was happy to see my family and friends again. Now is time for me to put away my backpack and search for a new job. Before I leave this blog, here are some numbers that might be interesting if somebody wants to do a similar trip. While I wanted to go from New Zealand to Switzerland without airplanes, in the end I decided to use airplanes between New Zealand - Australia - Indonesia. There was 3 boat options: 1. taking a cruise, but it was out of my budget, 2. boarding a cargo ship, but it was also expensive and would have taken a few more months to cross Oceania, 3. find a private ship owner that let you work for t...